Best Road Protect Security – Traffic Guard Service

GSSL is a leading service provider of Road Protect Security Traffic Guard for the transport industry or Factories. Our staff is trained to be vigilant and proactive, providing safety and security for your fleet with our fleet management solutions. 

Road Protect Security Traffic Guard
Road Protect Security Traffic Guard | Photo Credit: istock

According to Wikipedia – 

Traffic guards, also known as traffic controllers and flaggers, are trained to set up warning signs and barricades to slow down the speed of traffic in a temporary traffic control zone. When they are on scene they will set up equipment to warn approaching traffic about the incident. Traffic guards use a variety of equipment:

  • Signal flags.
  • Signal hand sign; called stop/slow paddles in the United States, these are a sign that has ‘stop’ on one side and ‘slow’ or ‘go’ on the other side.
  • Traffic vest.
  • Helmet (or a hard hat); protecting the head from hazards.

Road Protect Security Guard

Some roads have a kind of security guard in addition to the traffic police, who protect the road. This means that it helps the general workers of a particular factory or company to cross the road safely. If there is a busy road in front of a factory or company, then the general workers of those factories can cross the road by crossing buses, cars, lorries, and accidents can happen. Their roads are dangerous for crossing. Many of those are afraid. Road Protect Security Guards help them cross the road safely when the factory closes. 

In addition, in order to prevent the movement of VIPs in residential areas, road protection security guards are required. Such security guards play the role of traffic police in residential areas. Moreover, the Road Protect Security Guard also monitors whether any suspicious person has entered the residential area. If road protection security guards are needed for the safety of workers on the road in front of your company or factory, you can let us know. We will provide trained road protection security guards according to your needs.

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